MADE: Manufacturing, Automation and Data Engineering STC

The Manufacturing, Automation and Data Engineering (MADE) Science and Technology Center (STC) is an ASU research and development center supported by the Arizona New Economy Initiative. STCs are responsible for leveraging ASU-industry partnerships to enable research innovation, entrepreneurship and tech transfer in areas key to the future of Arizona’s economy.

The MADE STC seeks to create foundational manufacturing technologies and methods that enable the development of new products and enhance manufacturing competitiveness. The MADE STC has three thrust areas: process science and engineering, robotics and automation, and data analytics, cyber and AI.

Process science and engineering

Focusing on developing and enhancing highly efficient advanced manufacturing processes — including additive manufacturing, nanomanufacturing and semiconductor packaging — using innovative materials and composites that can be recycled, repurposed and remanufactured.

Robotics and automation

Exploring ways to optimize multiagent robotic systems, advance human-robot teaming for increased productivity and improved safety, and promote control, quality and awareness in the workplace using automation and machine learning.

Data analytics, cybersecurity and AI

Improving manufacturing processes using data-driven modeling, monitoring, analysis and visualization, with an emphasis on information security, domain knowledge and simulation data.

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Current Projects

First projects will be announced in summer 2022.